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Certification CDPM

Obtain the Certified Development Project Management  (CDPM®) credential. This certification is a valuable demonstration that you have completed a comprehensive training program on project management. Learn more CDPM ®

Below is some of the feedback & reviews we receive from many of students around the world who take PM4DEV courses to prepare for careers in development project management. These reviews are a testament of the value students receive after completing our courses. We hope they can help you make a decision and enroll in one of our online offerings.


We would like to express our gratitude to all of the students who have sent us their reviews and testimonials of our online courses.

Concept relevant. Methodology simple and effective. Prefered over PMP.

Gabriel Nagy, Inter-American Development Bank Trinidad And Tobago


This course brought all the realities of my job to bear and I am very sure that if I apply my learning from this course to my job, the improvements will most definitely be visible to my  colleagues.

Arthur  Uranta, Nlng  Nigeria


This course allowed me to have a good knowledge of basics of project management, and meet good practice. I must say that some of the concepts I applied  before without knowing the names. I can say also that from the first day of the course I have been putting into practice the knowledge acquired here and feel very encouraged to advise those who have not yet made to do so.

Márcia  Juvane, Uem  Mozambique


This has been an informative course! It is true that an individual may work in a Project Management Organization,  but  not  fully understand  the “consents”  and/or   “purpose” of   the  “business”.    This course  is  beneficial  to  the novice  like myself,  as  well  as  those  persons who may  just need a  “refresher” or   “get back to the basics”  of  the  principles  of  Project Management.    You won’t regret it!

Lisa Lynette  Moss, --  USA


Effective Project Management is a higher level course for those wishing to get practical Project Management knowledge. It permitted me to update my inner self as project management is concern with the modern teaching tools and techniques employed to get knowledge conveyed by the instructor. To me I am now moving form present capacities to shifting realities of project management as a result of this wonderful course.

Idrissou  Moussa, Gp-Derudep  Nigeria


A very good course.

Elvin  Oeri Nyagaka, Digital Opportunity Trust  Kenya


It is a must to follow project management processes of this course in order to be successful in project management especially scope, schedule, budget and quality management.

Sosina  Teshome, World Vision Ethiopia  Ethiopia


Before beginning the course I thought I mastered health project management. Finally, I discovered that project management is a science you should study. PM4Dev has the art and the science to make you an effective development project manager.

Dr. Kossivi Agbélénko  Afanvi, Direction Du District Sanitaire Des Lacs (Togo)  Togo


It gives me immense pleasure to share my experiences and learning from the course on Fundamentals of Project Management. My expectation from this course was to develop my skills on project management, enhance my knowledge on project management and relate my experience with the theory. At the end of the course, I am very delighted to share that this course helped me to improve my understanding and develop some practical skills of project management. I found a big difference between my practices of working in a project with the theory. The course helped me to minimize the gap between my practices and theory. On the whole, this course helped me in my personal and professional life. 

I heartiest thank the course supervisor for his timely and constructive feedback. I also thank the management of the course for giving me such a prestigious opportunity to learn more about project management. I request you that this will not the end here and I am curious to learn more about effective project management in future.

Thank you all.

Bashir Ahmed  Khan, Aga Khan University Professional Development Centre North  Afghanistan


Very practical and insightful.I would highly recommend for any one who does project management.

Julia  Mutave, Consumer Options Ltd  Tanzania


Thank you for sharing a course focused on development and help projects be more successful.

Moises  Martinez, Rehabilitandohonduras.Com  Honduras


Fundamentals of Project Management for Development Organizations is really a strong base for a new project manager or someone in that position without project management knowledge.To me this was a stepping stone to higher project management career. It has stimulated and inspired me to register for the Project Design Monitoring and Evaluation for Development. I strongly recommend the course for strategic staff working for NGOs and other Development Organization

John  Wambura, Jamii Empowerment Initiative (Jei-Ngo)  Tanzania


Well designed, well delivered, and very informative. I'll definitely recommend this course to all who want to understand the basics of PM4DEV.

Kodjotse  Afatchao, Institute For Community Partnership And Sustainable Development  USA


This course is ideal for those who needs to know about project management but need not have to manage the project.  It is conducted online and therefore allows flexible learning. Ideal for busy working personnel.

Daniel  Ow, Western Union  Singapore


Excellent real-world tools were provided that can be used in most any setting.

Tejas  Patel, The American Red Cross  USA


This course was great! Very interactive and lots of practical exercises to learn how to use various frameworks and models. Thanks so much!

Heidi  Michael,   Australia


EPM course is very interesting with a very high quality.It's very sharp and oriented practice with very precise details.

I advice it ti any person who wants to make a good career project manager in all areas.

Thank you very much for your ideas to make this course.

N'Guessan  Kouassi Williams, Icrc  Nigeria


A very relevant course to anyone already managing or wishing to enter into the business of managing development projects.

Arthur  Uranta, Nlng  Nigeria


EPM has been my 3rd course and just like the others i have learnt a great deal and realised there is so much more to learn, to do, to refine and share for additional value to stakeholders. If all practitioners has this knowledge the world will definitely be in a better state.

Blessing  Chaumba, Christian Care  Zimbabwe


Excellent course to take. It was very informative. It gave me the foundation to make further advancement in project management. It is one of the best courses that I ever experienced. I really enjoy the forums and the methodology used to teach this course.

I look forward to studying new courses again.


Jose Ernest  Jose, Jotech  USA


I am very happy to take FPM online course. Really, this course improves my experience in FPM. I am confident that PM4DEV is able to contribute to my capacity enhancement in PM. So I will come back for the future course in order to reach the advanced level in PM.

I congratulate my classmates for participating actively on the forum. It is a great moment.I am looking forwards to seeing you in the next course for more exchanges.

Best regards!

Kokou Adambounou  Amouzou,   Togo


This on-line course served as a refresher course to the PMI Standards of Project Management Methodology and provided a platform to interact and share project/program related ideas and experience with others from different backgrounds. Highly interesting experience for me for knowledge sharing!

Femi  Fayombo, Lamata  UK


A well structured and well managed course. The online tutor was actively engaged and present throughout the course, providing feedback and encouraging progress and learning. I will hopefully take another course offered by PM4DEV the future to build on the knowledge I gained about the fundamentals of project management.

Emelie  Pellby,   UK


Interacting with my course mate on the forum was awesome. This course was timely delivered and the impact will show even on the Job. teaching methodology adopted was impressive. Congratulations to All my course mates.

Timothy  Anko, Save The Children International  Nigeria


The FPM course equiped me with new insights and skills in the project management realm despite my previous experience. I have already started applying the knowledge I acquired during those three weeks in my current job. I definetely recommend this course for beginners or those who want a refreshment.

Judicael  Elidje, United Nations Population Fund  Senegal


Course methodology is very effective. I feel like I could be a project manager now.

Natasha  Banfield, Unmik  Australia


Excellent insights for each of the 9 processes of project management. I learn a lot to implement in my future projects.

Moises  Martinez, Rehabilitandohonduras.Com  Honduras


I currently am self-employed after having worked for United Nations Organization. Therefore I decided to develop a project in the fish breeding domain with support of the competencies of my spouse who is Engineer in the said domain. The project called "Fish for All" is initiated for bring a solution to the deficiency of the appropriate protein in the daily nutrition of the population of my regional department caused as consequences of rebellion and after-election crisis happened in my country Cote d'Ivoire. For the success of the said project, I had needed a serious and meaningful training in the project management. For this purpose, I did not find elsewhere better and interesting apart from PM4DEV program. Actually I was not wrong in choosing the Effective Project Management Module with PM4DEV. It would be very wise to be honest in expressing all gratitude and thank to the professional and committed PM4DEV's team who loves what they are doing especially the instructor Rodolfo. I am sure that if I apply with serenity what I learned, "Fish for All" will be a reality and a serious organization which objectives will be attained and remained on track while satisfying the needs and changing positively the nutrition conditions of the beneficiaries.

Zota Alphonse  Gueu, Fish For All  Cote d'Ivoire


The instructor is very responsive and helpful in his insights.  This class will help me incorporate additional methods and information within my projects.

Hugh  Wiegel, Lutheran World Relief  USA


EPM course is relevant. The course provides the tools and techniques that help me improve effectively my capacity in PM. The dynamic of the posts and exercises are very practical. The facilitator is also prompt.

I enjoy!

Kokou Adambounou  Amouzou,   Togo


The online course on Project Design, Monitoring  and Evaluation is a good opportunity for me. Trough this course I have my capacity enhanced. The facilitator is also very dynamic.

I am very happy about the course. FPM, EPM and PDME courses are really relevant for Development organizations.

I congratulate all the PM4DEV members.

Kokou Adambounou AMOUZOU

Kokou Adambounou  Amouzou, -  Togo


I am thrilled by the amount of Knowledge I have gathered.

Trust me, I can't stop until I run the last course on PM4DEV.

Ifeanyichukwu  Ngobili, Fcl  Nigeria


This is an enjoyable easy to follow course with lots of learning content. There is great provision for discussion with other classmates, which facilitates learning from others and their experiences rather than just learning theoretical knowledge from a text book.

Nakubyana  Mungomba, Afdb  Tunisia


This is a very beneficial course. the course content, case study and reading material were quite relevant to my work experience and as a result I had little difficulty relating to the information provided.  There was also very useful and interesting conceptual material that some of which I was not exposed to before.   I learnt quite a lot more in the three week period, than I have in other courses of a much longer duration.  I will recommend it to the HR Dept. of my organization to consider it for inclusion as part of its training program.

Mcdonald  Thomas, Caribbean Development Bank  Barbados


I have been promoted as project manager for the last 3 years in my organization where I work presently, after working in this capacity it only through this course I have acquire better understanding about the different challenges and project management process. This has strengthen my knowledge and understanding greatly. I am extremely happy to be part of this course

Ibrahim  Turay, Health Poverty Action  Sierra Leone


FPM is a course which give a real basic things to understand later PROJECT MANAGEMENT. This course is also full of knowledge applicable in humanitarian field( management style,how to correctly influence  the team, the way of managing information).


Lazare  Dje, Msf F  Côte D'Ivoire


This course was a wonderful learning experience! You learn so much in a short space of time. Definitely would recommend to anyone.

Salace  Richardson, Turks And Caicos Government  Turks And Caicos Islands


Pretty Amazing eCourse.

I couldn't have gotten it anywhere else better. I can't wait to start other follow-up courses.

Thanks PM4Dev

Ifeanyichukwu  Ngobili, Fc  Nigeria


It has been a great opportunity for sharing experiences with people working on development project management all over the world.

Irene  Sala, University Of Bologna  Italy


The course fundamentals of project management for development, has greatly given me an insight about what it take to manage a development project geared towards achieving organizational goals. i think with the knowledge gain i can successfully manage a development project any were in the world.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to build my capacity through your online courses.

Peter  Patrick, Action Against Hunger Nigeria Mission  Nigeria


Extremely detailed Course translated so simply to its participants.

Special Thanks to Rodolfo

Ifeanyichukwu  Ngobili, Fc Plc  Nigeria


What we did with our full effort, that should show the changes on beneficiaries; that should be implemented with the standard norms and procedure; and feeling of proudness should be there by the project donors. Knowledge and skill to accomplish all those elements, PDME course is the best suited course.

Ravi  Shrestha, N/A  Usa


I have acquired so muck knowledge and understanding about project management process. The experience of my tutor and classmates was so enriching and worth emulating. I appreciate being part of this course to a very large extent.

Ibrahim  Turay, Health Poverty Action  Sierra Leone


The course was very interesting and very useful.

I learnt a lot In particular the way to really have control on the nine Project management processes which will determine the success and meet the donor, beneficiaries, and the other stakeholders’ expectations. I understand that, all processes supposed to be interactive, how every element in those processes is very important, how they are cross-linking one another and why Project Manager should to be aware on in order to achieve the real results and reach the project goals. My big and interesting discovery, which I confirmed through my field experiences, is the amount of time (average 80%) the PM spends on communication without realizing.

Another best thing I confirm form this course is how the first project plan could change due to other assumptions, issues, risks, and behaviors register through the implementation and which aren't identify at starting point.

Myriam  Valme Joseph, Enpak  Haiti


PM4DEV's course in Effective Project Management was really just what I needed to boost my skills and efficiency as a PM, and the fact that it's specific to international development projects was key, in that I could start applying some of the strategies immediately. Whether you've been at it for years or are just starting out, I highly recommend this course for anyone whose assignments include Project Management!

Virginia  Williams, New View Media  Usa


Project management is always very entailing and a number of times as a project manager, you find yourself making mistakes or assumptions not because you want to but because of inadequate knowledge. Having gone through this course, I have gained some understanding on the core project management processes which have raised my confidence levels in managing complex projects from the onset to closure. This is really a worthwhile investment.

Ronald  Kubasu, Snv Netherlands Developoment Organization, Kenya  Kenya


-Best way to stimulate student

-I think to improve more we need to have exercises on logframe and WBS or a special course on these topics in order to qualify every student about how to build these 2 elements.

-A part of these 2 chapters I'm really happy about the courses organisation(even if ,for me time was less to read all the chapters before discussion forum)


Lazare  Dje, Médecins Sans Frontière France  Ivory Coast


The unique thing about this course is that it offers you what you cannot get from the Academic courses . I advise everyone interested in improving their skills in Project Management to do  the course. It is good value for money.

Vandras  Luywa, Ministry Of Community Development Mother And Child Health  Zambia


I enjoyed the pace and the progress of the course as it clearly guides you through the different stages in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of a project week by week.

As a novice in the world of development organizations I also liked the extra material provided as it deepened my understanding by linking theory to case-studies. I am now looking forward to applying my new knowledge in my field: education.

Emanuele  Pesoli, International School  Italy


It was a good basic introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation.

Nakubyana  Mungomba, Afdb  Zambia


I was managing a project as a second man and thought I was  doing best. After attending this course, I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't.

Now the time is here, if I get an opportunity to manage a project I will do efficiently and effectively for project success.

Ravi  Shrestha, N/A  Usa


I am very satisfied with this course. I am relatively new to project management in practice but this course definitely provoked me. It delivered even more than I expected and I am moving on to the next course in the series.

Ray  Wung, Equity~World  Usa


Real interesting course. This is my first time to be part of a virtual class. I must admit it was very wonderful and a lot of  positive interventions among classmates.

Thank you


Numfor  Hycenth Neba, Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory - Bamenda, Cameroon  Cameroon


The course material and content met my initial expectations. There was a clear flow from one chapter to another, creating great room for discussions and debates amongst students. In addition, I found the course material to be very updated and easy to apply to my work experience. I am very satisfied with what I have learned.

Stephanie  Van Der Poel, Oxfam  Bolivia


This was a fast paced course that kept me on my feet for the whole 3 weeks. taught me alot.

Tekumafor  Gabriel, Giz Cameroon  Cameroon


Wonderful course, content relevant, found the instructor helpful and his support made the course a worthwhile experience.

Elanza  Van Wyk, Orange Babies Namibia Foundation  Namibia


This training course was really interesting, the content of the modules and  participative mythology used to facilitate the training  was very good

 See you soon on the on nest training Project Design Monitoring and Evaluation

Paulin  Kantshiama, Unicef  Drc


Very insite course at a reasonable cost, the flexibility of the course fits into my busy schedule as an architect. I love every bit of it and can't wait to start the next course.

Uzoma  Ozurumba, Primetech Design And Engineering Limited  Nigeria


It was with please that I attended this course. The course is very practical with the forums. I also liked the exercise we should submit at the end of each week. The deadline to submit the exercise was a very good idea. It helps us ensure that we attend all the chapters. I learned a lot about project management and I am excited to start the next course Effective Project Management. I am yet enrolled. Congratulation to you.

Bernard  Bai, Un Ocha  N'Djamena


It's so easy to keep doing things wrongly but knowledge changes everything. This course has opened my eyes to the reality of how projects should be run.

Uzoma  Ozurumba, Primetech Design And Engineering Limited Nigeria  Nigeria


Without PM4DEV what would have happen to the project I manage. I appreciate participating in PM4DEV courses, they have strengthen my understanding and build my capacity so much and that has helped perform better in my current job. I have become a force to recogned

Ibrahim  Turay, Health Poverty Action  Sierra Leone


very excellent and awesome course. it has empowered me and i am looking forward to more uplifting courses. this course suited all my needs and the timing was excellent, the interactions were always fulfilling and the exercises very mind challenging and interesting.

Salim  Kaunda, Pmrc  Zambia


Although targeted mainly to development practitioners, the course managed to offer me a new, fresh perspective to projects that are implemented in a corporate environment where I am employed.

Efthymia  Eleftheriadou, Amway  Greece


I really enjoyed the learning methods adopted in this course. It was very impactful and interactive. This has boosted my confidence on project delivery and i hope to advance in this impactful journey with PM4DEV.

Ibrahim  Adeniran, Foodconcepts Plc  Nigeria


I found the course very relevant and interactive.

 More than I imagined, I have been able to build practical skills for implementing projects, and I see how this prepares me for my next level. As a result, I am very inspired to obtain the CDPM certification,  up to the third level.

I'm really glad I came across PM4DEV.

Yemisi  Haruna, Ib&Y Professional Services  Nigeria


After this course, I feel more sure to assume a post of Project manager.

Momadou  Sow, Institut Des Sciences De L'Environnement (Ise), Senegal  Senegal


This is an awesome programme, I work as a project driver in my organization, all I ever knew was the act of a professional driver but today this course  has helped me gain a better understanding about project management.

Thank you EPM.

Monday  Etim, Hope Worldwide  Nigeria


The EPM course content is rich and the presentation approach encourages and supports active learning.  The well facilitated discussion forum fosters the kind of experience, open questions and practical tips from student experience that is not found in many on-line courses.  This is not a light version of Project Management - you emerge with foundation, tools and perpectives to put your learning to immediate productive use.  The case study and other materials also reflect the PM for development project intention.  Highly recommended, a great course!

Bob  Sutton, Light For Change  Latin America


Excellent course, even when time pressure were giving me very little possibility to devote time to it, the support and motivation coming from the instructor and fellow learners pushed me to find the way to cater time for learning

David Luigi  Fuschi, Bridging Consulting Ltd  Uk


This is one  the best course course I have ever taken in Project Management. The course content is excellent. The new knowledge gained is essential for my daily work. The course worths the money.

Judicael  Elidje, United Nations Population Fund  Senegal


This course has been very educational for me. It will certainly be a benefit to me and my organization as it will certainly help to improve our Project Management Division.

Mark  Mc Aulay, Tcig, Public Works Department  Turks And Caicos Islands


Excellent, motivating and informative.

David Luigi  Fuschi, Bridging Consulting Ltd  Uk


This is an awesome experience, l know more on the project  management, this is a great opportunity every one on the field should embrace .

Thanks to EPM.

Monday  Etim, Hope Worldwide Nigeria  Nigeria


This was a great course! It was very informative and covered the essential areas needed for successful project management. The instructor was wonderful and encouraged thoughtful discussion in the classroom forums. And the online format of this course is perfect for working professionals or anyone wanting to become a more effective project manager. I would recommend PM4DEV to anyone interested!

Shanelle  Adams, A Better World Canada  Canada


This course has treat the main issues in project management and has made the act of project management an easy task

Patrick  Peter, International Rescue Commitee Nigerian Program  Nigeria


Very interesting, informative and valuable; definitely something I would recommend undertaking.

David  Fuschi Phd, Bridging Consulting Ltd  United Kingdom


I have really enjoyed this course. It was really much learn in such a short time but it was such a rewarding experience. The presentations, the reference materials and the forums were extremely informative and it was great sharing experiences from all over the world. I would recommend every mid-career development practitioner to take it.

Florence  Kayemba, Stakeholder Democracy Network  Nigeria


The course on PDME was very inspiring to me. Before now i had some knowledge of M and E but i am now better equipped with the contributions from classmates and the instructor i am now better off. The course materials with topics like proposal writing, logic framework, Monitoring, Evaluation, etc have been more than useful. Since i enrolled for the course I have announced to many that i am now a better schooled M and E professional . I am so so happy to have been part of this inspiring course. I say thank you to the Organization for teh course and i thank my classmates for their viable contributions to my domain of learning

Many Thanks to Prof Rodolfo for being a catalyst to boosting my knowledge of M and E.

Olufemi  Adesope, University Of Port Harcourt  Nigeria


This is one of the best things that hapened to me recently as a Professional. I am now a better M and E personality.

Olufemi  Adesope, University Of Port Harcourt  Nigeria


Excellent Course and delivery Mechanism. I've learnt alot from the facilitator and my fellow participants. Priceless! I've already signed up for the APM course.

Delores  Thomas,   Barbados


While I have been involved in Project development, evaluations and internal monitoring processes, I never took the time to get into the basics. The course provided me the required basics and I am looking forward to more such opportunities for more advanced courses.

Sandra  Rothboeck, Swisscontact  India


its fulfilling to finished the course to improve and enhance my line of works to performed much better than the previous. this experienced gain me more capacity to implement project to achieved desired impacts for the benefits of the vulnerable people we served.

Michael  Sabejon, Helpage International-Coalition Of Services Of The Elderly  Philippines


I have worked in monitoring and Evaluation for over four years. when i took this course, i realized i had an isolated perspective on M&E. The course presented M&E within the context project management and this gave me insights on various aspects of Project and how to Monitor and Evaluate throughout the life cycle of the project.

Joshua  Mwesigwa,   Uganda


Never regret to spend much resources on developing life-time skills!

Agustinus  Koli, Helpage International/Cose  Philippines


for me, the way facilitator has articulated the lesson and the structure of the course lesson and the participation of the class members have been an inspiring experience.

Abdullahi  Farah, Save The Children International  Somalia


I had a good experience in this course, mainly because it was the first time in contact with something gender (online course), learned a lot, it is easy and practical.

The self-help documents are clear and expressive. The course showed me that an idea is never wrong, the instructor was attentive and ready to help in whatever way they need. I hope to do more courses of this nature.


Neusa  Cumba, Mahs  Mozambique


It's a nice experience. I took another online course. But that was not effective like this one. Here was a forum, That's help me a lot to understand. I learn more this platform. Video sessions were excellent. I think it would be helpful for my career.

Mst. Maksuda  Khanome, The Hunger Project Bangladesh  Bangladesh


Its a great course! I am really happy to earned huge knowledge on PDME. Most effective part of this course is discussion forum. Through this forum, I sharped my learning.

Md. Ahsanul  Kabir, The Hunger Peoject Bangladesh  Bangladesh


I wanted to learn more about the field of Project Management and I found this course provided me with a solid introduction to the key concepts. The course was practical and relevant to the current development context. Thank you

Henrika  Wagner, Rsc Africa  Kenya


Attending this course is really an opportunity for me, it is very useful to my work yet very cost effective. This is my first time to attend on-line course and I really enjoyed it. The professor is very dynamic and he provides timely feedback on the discussions and exercises. The course also provides reading materials for references which is very helpful to the organization.

Emily  Beridico, Helpage International/Coalition Of Services Of The Ederly  Philippines


The course was very informative and should be helpful in my future work

Valentin  Kotzev,   Bulgaroa


Adaptive project management has made me understand all the secret behind managing project using phase approached. I would never regret being part of this exciting and knowledge enriching course.

I have manage several projects for many years, but undertaking project management course with PM4DEV know the real approach to project management.

Ibrahim  Turay, Health Poverty Action  Sierra Leone


The course really built my knowledge of project management. It provided a strong theoretical underpinning to my practical experience. The information will greatly assist when approaching my part managing communications and research in project management.

Katy  Snowball,   Kenya


This course helped me understand the importance of leadership in project management.

Florence  Kayemba, Stakeholder Democracy Network  Nigeria


A motivating and very useful training, highly recommendable.

David Luigi  Fuschi Phd, Buc University International  United Kingdom


Tools and knowledge content in APM Course enabled and enhanced my competence to deal change context in a strategical way.

Ravi  Shrestha, Freelancer  Usa


The course was instructive and participatory.

Delores  Thomas,   Barbados


Kindly refer to the comment I made at: Please write your comments about the course  in the survey.

Tikajit  Rai, Independent Consultant  Usa


Expository and reveals how easy it is to do things the wrong way. Am better equipped to handle things now.

Uzoma  Ozurumba, Primetech Design And Engineering Limited  Nigeria


The Adaptive Project Management is one of the most practical course on project management I have ever followed. It gives me an insight on the practical part of project management. Once again it deserves my full attention.

Judicael  Elidje, Unfpa -Wcaro  Senegal


Great foundational course on project management for development. Clarifies the starting point through to the end of managing projects. I feel better equiped.


Yemisi  Haruna, Ib&Y Professionals  Nigeria


Good Learning Experience!

Dickson  Mulli, Mcf  Kenya


Good Course work!

Mary  Mulli, Mcf  Kenya


Project Management was like rocket science to me before I studied this course. Having served in diverse projects as a subject matter expert, my experiences have always been fraught with lots of questions, than answers as to what it takes to manage a successful project. This course has opened all the dark and blind spots in project management which was more or less a mirage to me. Suffice it to say that, I now clearly understand what project management is all about from initiation to completion. I am confident I will be an asset in my upcoming assignment in Botswana. Moreover, the course methodology was quite inclusive and flexible, creating a conducive platform for learning and sharing, notably in the discussion forum. Its international representation is quite impressive as it brings together a pool of professionals who share diverse experiences from different project environments across the globe. Besides, the course instructor was quite exceptional with respect to the measure of help and support we received throughout the course. The overall experience was exceptionally enriching and worth the time. This course is an unequal match with its monetary value in terms of the wealth of knowledge one gets out of it. Raphael Ebot Ayuk, WUSC. Canada

Raphael Ebot  Ayuk, Wusc  Canada


This is the most practical and realistic Project Management Course I have come across.  The assignments and discussions helped demystify key project documents and process and really build student confidence.

I'm not only enlightened, but I now feel confident enough to take on project management responsibilities.

I intend to take two more courses to upgrade my certification. Willie Ngumi, GSM, Kenya

Willie  Ngumi, Gsm Association  Kenya


Excellent course! I advise every development professional who is interested to improve her/his skills to take the course Effective Project Management for Development.

Special thanks to Rodolfo, a very motivating teacher, who will keep you engaged till the end. Joke Sijbesma, Netherlands

Joke  Sijbesma,   The Netherlands


This was my first online course and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I learned so much from the textbook and from the thoughtful insight of my classmates. Active participation was encouraged and resulted in some very interesting discussions. I would highly recommend this course and look forward to putting my new knowledge and insight to use! Madeline  Stark, USA

Madeline  Stark,   Usa


This is the 3rd course, that I've done to date. I have learnt a lot of applicable material as opposed to theoretical. Looking forward to other courses that PM4DEV has to offer. Delores Thomas, Barbados

Delores  Thomas,   Barbados


The learning materials in this course were well designed and easy to follow. I mostly enjoyed this e-course because we received constant guidance and lot of practical hints on valuable management tools. The schedule keeps you quite busy but it's anyhow feasible to respect the deadlines and to complete the course within the three weeks. Stefania Rigillo, Malaria Consortium. Italy

Stefania  Rigillo, Malaria Consortium  Italy


I gained  from this course   project management  practical skills and knowledge which I do believe  that it may invest in my both current and future project. Liban  Muse Said, Save the Children. Somalia

Liban  Muse Said, Save The Children Somalia Programe  Somalia


It was a great experience, I didn’t thought I would learn this much! I will use a lot of the information and methodologies in my organization, and suggest a lot of adjustments since management can improve our projects execution substantially. The course totally fulfilled my expectations! And you learn not only from the materials and the tutor, but from all the participants, there is a lot of experience shared that would be very useful for each other. Karina Antezana, Bolivia

Karina  Antezana,   Bolivia


Excellent course. Abdullahi Farah, Save the Children International, Somalia

Abdullahi  Farah, Save The Children International  Somalia


A very unique course where topics learned generate scenarios and simulations that definitely puts you in a real life situation that empowers your analytical and process-thinking mind of how fit are you as a project manager in today's complexities and demands. David Teaabo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Immigration. Kiribati

David  Teaabo, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs  Immigration  Kiribati


A very practical and informative course for anyone working in the project management field. It provides a good foundation of EPM principles which you can actively implement in the field. Henrika Wagner, Kenya

Henrika  Wagner,   Kenya


If you want to develop solid knowledge on Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation this is a very useful course guided by a active and dedicated teacher.

Joke  Sybesma, Vso  The Netherlands


I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their ability to track, measure, and analyze data throughout the life cycle of a project.

Heather  Mueller, Booz Allen Hamilton  Usa


The course gave me a strong foundation for improving my monitoring& evaluation capability.

Serge Lionel  Yebel Ndigui, Huawei  Mali


The course allows anyone to fully participate as the lessons, concepts and theoretical fameworks are well introduced with videos and which everyone can then explore further by turning to the provided reading material. Despite my M&E background, I was able to gain new and deepen existing knowledge. Thumbs up for PM4DEV and Rodolfo (instructor) in particular.

Matthias  Zingel,   Zambia


I loved the  course! It improved my knowledge on project design, monitoring and evaluation, as well as, helped me to share my ideas and points of view with other people around the World! It also supported me in getting better knowledge on how to organize and be organized while running a project!

Sonia  Maciel, Anadarko Mozambique Area 1  Mozambique


The course was great and highly productive.

Jones  Blamo, Healthcare  United States


The course simplified the monitoring and evaluation process  thereby making it more practicable for me.

Marilyn  Ogbebor, Speakers' Corner Trust Nigeria  Nigeria


The course elements are really effective for job field. all of them are appropriate for application of practical field.

Md Musfiquer  Rahman,   Bangladesh


I especially want to thank Mr. Siles for both his commitment and dedication to this course. I have now learned a great deal about what is required in a monitoring and evaluation activity. Thank you once again.

Stewart  Maganga,   South Africa


The course is very satisfactory, moving from an Engineering role to a Management role was really, really hard but having gone through this course i have learnt a lot and hope to implement the ideas gained during the learning process.

Chernor Marju  Jalloh, Energy For Opportunity  Sierra Leone


As a beginning learner of Project Management I found the course to be very informative and insightful and would recommend it to any one at any level in the field.

Robert  Thompson,   Usa


Comprehensive, concise, clear and actionable.

Juno  Fitzpatrick, Stakeholder Democracy Network  United Kingdom


This is a well thought and well designed course which provides you enough time out of your busy work schedules to learn and improve your knowledge base about Project management. The discussion forums provide an avenue for knowledge sharing from other parts of the world. I recommend development workers to take this course.

Samra  Sadaf, Save The Children  Pakistan


The course has been very helpful, as a driver it has prepared me for bigger picture in live and help creat a career path for me in development project.

Monday  Etim, None  Nigeria


I am really happy to have taken this course. It will help me strengthen my skills in PM and probably help me be more performant in my day to day work.

Nicolas  Morel,   France


Great learning experience. Course content was concrete and concise. Very easy to understand. Teacher gave help and feedback for all exercises. The forums were very instructive. Overall complete satisfaction. I will come back for two other courses: Project Monitoring and Evaluation / Leadership in Project Management.

Yours truly,

Christelle B.B.

Christelle B  Beauboeuf, Socoprosa  Haiti


Very useful and important for my career. I think I will be on this web site for another course.

Thank you.

Kramo  Jean-Luc, Unocha  Usa


Amazing!!!  This course was so much more than I expected.  It was challenging at times tryng to get everything done within the appointed time BUT, the experience was invaluable.  Mr Siles was an excellent course leader, he is very responsive and timely feedback from him was a guarantee.  The opportunity to interact with other participants in the course and share our experiences was excellent and very beneficial.  The course also provided a wealth of reference material that is PRICELESS as now that the course is ended, you have an excellent cadre of material that you can refer to if and when necessary.  This has been a very rewarding experience and I willl recommend it to anyone who is seriously interested in gaining a better understanding of Project Design, Monitoring & Evaluation.

Louise  Marcelle-Peart, Caribsearch  Jamaica


This course is more essential for everyone working in development sectors either private, NGO or government sectors. I am quite impressed with the level of knowledge gained within a period of one month. I thank the organizers of this learning opportunity, the tutors and my colleague students for taken part in this learning forum,

Borbor Alpha  Kakpindi, Save The Children International  Sierra Leone


I highly recommend the PDME e-course to those who are either new to project design, monitoring and evaluation or wish to refresh their skills. I found the course content relevant and of high quality. I greatly appreciated that a sense of community was created and that the course was properly paced. Last but not least, I would also like to thank the instructor who proved to be very experienced, knowledgeable and responsive.

Maria  Lepeigné-Cobo,   France


I liked this course very much. I'm currently giving the project manager new ideas to improve the M&E strategy in our own project. It has helpful tools to learn more about the M&E phase. The tutor is very helpful and keep the student motivated. If you need to understand more about the project design and to implement the M&E in your project, this course is for you.

Marcela  Suazo, Fhis  Honduras


Within 3 weeks for the on-line course I received a great amount of knowledge in M&E. Before, I had very little understanding of what was M&E and what purpose it served. Now, things became clearer to me and I feel more confident and knowledgeable in this field.

Tinatin  Museridze, Ndi Georgia  Georgia


Well  ..... The best course I have ever attended ...... :)

Muhammad Waqas  Nazir, Save The Children  Pakistan


If every newbie in the development world can take out time to do courses like this, you won't need experience to you apart.... Great course!

Confidence  Ogu, Stakeholder Democracy Network  Nigeria


This is a really  great course. The tutor supports you 100% and you learn so much.Also, you get to read the different project management perspectives of so many different people from different countries.

Sherphan  Figaro,   Trinidad And Tobago


The course comprised of set of modules and exercises that build your intellect to understand the field of Project Management. The skills acquired is applicable in a wide variety of industries!

Godwin Chidiebere  Nwafor, Schlumberger  Nigeria


I studied Project Management as subject during my Bachelor of Business Administration, I also studied it as a separate training "Project Planning, Implementation and M&E and Project Management", but this time I got all the basic concepts RIGHT and usable. Transfer of knowledge from this course to my daily work is straight forward. The tools are very useful and friendly. The chance of loosing a donor now is very minimal with these skills, and the ability to handle challenging stakeholders is very high. I have proved that "CHANGE IS THE RESULT OF TRUE LEARNING".

John  Wambura, Tanzania Mennonite Church  Tanzania


I clearly recomend this course as it has helped me a lot to figure out how to structure my work and certainly improve my performance as PM.

Nicolas  Morel,   Guatemala


The EPM course was absolutely worthwhile and I started to apply course concepts to projects I am managing from the first week of the course. I

I found it easy to keep pace with the course material and assessments even while balancing a full-time job.

Michelle  Jones,   Australia


A great course for anyone wanting to be a Project Manager. Simple to understand for beginners and indepth to get the principles of being a good manager.

Martyn  Coomber, Oxfam  Sierra Leone


Initially I thought that i knew more about project management life cycle and after taking APM i discovered that I was only familiar with the traditional project management practice which is the common practice in some of the organizations that i have worked for. APM has changed my perspective and it was thrilling experience.

Abdullahi  Farah, Save The Children International  Somalia


The course was very informative and well presented throughout.  I hope to use this knowledge effectively in future.

Valentin  Kotzev,   Bulgaria


My objective, attending the Effective Project Management course was to enhance my skills in development PM and I believe I've fulfilled the requirements needed for saying that I reached my scope, keeping costs at the least and without loosing time. That's quality!

Walter Antonio  Canu, Students Without Frontiers  Italy


The significance of this course is that it demonstrates 'what' tools and techniques to use 'when' in the project management process cycle. I strongly recommend this course to professionals who wish to gain a basic understanding on project management.

David  Teaabo, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat  Kiribati


I appreciated you for the excellent online course that runs over past three weeks I really enjoyed the course I am sure that your guidance and the resources you have provided me will help me a lot I recommend this course to others who interested.

Fartoun  Ali,   Somalia


-the videos really motivate to learn: it seem like a real classroom.

We need some experiences or difficulties met by the teacher during his practices (in the courses).How these have been solved  ( some difficulties in quality control, in budget control..)


Lazare  Dje, Imc  Ivory Coast


- I appreciate a lot the video session; it seem like in a normal classroom ,listening a teacher

-Some of my video were without sound ( exactly 2 video)

-Need more concretes examples from the teacher experience in project management (quality control issue,conflict management..)

Lazare  Dje, Imc  Ivory Coast


I liked the course. It was very practical. The presentations were not overwhelming, but rather clear and easy to follow. The content and the course materials were pertinent, relevant and grasped the essential. The instructor was very committed, and the class very interactive. We were able to learn from each other, monitored by each other like being in a real-life classroom. In less than one month, I was able to master all the six phases in developing project management. With the knowledge acquired, Now I feel better prepared to carry out my job tasks.

Jean Ronald  Jocelyn, Hope For Haiti  Haiti


One of the best course i have ever completed and i would recommend this course to every single that is related with developed programs. A very good initiative that will not only help in understanding the concepts of project management nut also the practical implementation as well ...... I would further like to congrats the team for their brilliant initiative :)

Muhammad Waqas  Nazir, Save The Children  Pakistan


I had a fascinating experience. The content of the course not only strengthened my knowledge on project managment, but again proved the importance of providing platforms where practioners from the development world can discuss approaches, methodologies, processes from those that are working in the private sector. We certainly can learn a lot from each other. Thank you PM4DEV for providing this exciting opportunity!

Edina  Culolo-Kozma,   Angola


This has been a fantastic eye opener for me with a fantastic way of formalizing what one has been doing over years.

I have tried a couple of courses in the past but this completely beats them.

I will remain grateful.

Jiru  Bako, Crown Agents  Nigeria


Very helpfull

Ahmad  Chmeiseh, Oxfam Gb  Lebanon


A very well designed and well executed course. The quality of course material, forum discussions and instructor's feedback has been great!

Mallikarjun  Tondare,   India


This is an excellent course for anyone managing development projects. I strongly recommend it.

Aduke  Toluhi, Micronutrient Initiative  Nigeria


I love the program, and ability to work around my work schedule to attend class.

Nathan  Brathwaite, Africare  United States


The course was great.

I was able to gain additional and exciting knowledge on PDME from the discussions forums,the case studies,reference materials and feedback from the tutor.

I gained new insights on PDME from comments posted by my fellow students during the forum discussions. This was  quite an enriching experience for me.

Rehema  Batti, Hjf Medical Research International Inc  Tanzania


Awesome course, excellent content, qualified instructors. PDME is an investment in my future. Thank you to the staff of PM4DEV for this great opportunity.

Christelle B  Beauboeuf, Socoprosa  Haiti


the Course is precise and accurate.

Philip  Mawuko King, Nielsen Ghana Limited  Ghana


It is very useful and refreshing. The interactive nature makes you learn and share ideas both experience and theory from classmates.

Sahanun  Yakubu, Sungtaa Consult  Ghana


The course is precise.

Philip  Mawuko King, Nielsen Ghana Limited  Ghana


Fantastic course that covers one of the most difficult aspects of project and program management.

Robert  Worthington,   United States


An excellent venue to explore and learn how Project and Program Management are functional within the Development Community.

Robert  Worthington, Usaid  United States


I am very happy i have taken this course and on the right time. My best topic/chapter is Information management, one of the questions on the discussion forum that says "the presentation of late report to donors" presently i have two reports to forward to my superiors and it is a project being implemented by four different NGOs, with three of them are INGOs and mine is NNGO. The staff are not providing me with the correct information and the timing is slow which i have tow a. edit the information, b. race against time. So i found out lots of issues which some are: 1. The staff lack of computer experience, 2. No idea what the report is like, 3. Everyone later complain about their computers etc. So i implemented some strategies by helping them to get quick learning on how to improve their typing skills, help them to know what and how the report is like and provide them with working computers and finally extend the working time which says only the ones that complete certain tasks will have to go home. So lots of them were working against that time frame. For now we are getting the reports done and ready to be forwarded tomorrow to the donors.

Thanks to all PM4Dev team for providing such training.

Chernor Marju  Jalloh, Energy For Opportunity  Sierra Leone


Effective Project Management course is an excellent online course. It needs to insert a lot of effort to cope the course work, reading and study. Those who are willing to attend this course must be available enough time to commit for study during three weeks of time period.

I do enjoy the course work. This course stimulate me for further learning regarding the project management.

I recommend this course without reservation for your competency in the field of the project management.

Thein  Win, District Clinical Specialist Team, West Rand Health District, Gauteng Province, South Africa  South Africa


This course was easy to follow and comprehend and truly bulks up your toolbox for each stage of project management. It has inspired me to move into a stronger PM role with my career.

Whitney  Bradford,   Usa


Helpful course to apply in the daily program activities.

Aye Aye  Khaing, Community Partners International  Myanmar


The course units were very  interesting and very enriching.

The resource materials were quite helpful and exciting to read.

Rehema  Batti, Walter Reed Program-Tanzania  Tanzania


I enjoyed the "learning by discovery" process of this course, and seeing the contributions made by my fellow classmates.

Ellia  Ryan,   Usa


I appreciate the kind words of encouragement and your out of the box (practical) tutelage. The process has encourage me to consider taking additional courses to qualify me for the (CDPM). Once again thanks for your advance insight.

Sam Goldd-Wolobah

Sam  Goldd-Wolobah,   United States



Jongjin  Lim, Team And Team International  South Korea


The most interesting thing about the course that i enjoyed most is the discussion forums. where student exchange ideas and experiences about the practical aspect of Project design monitoring and evaluation.

Ebrima M.  Kanteh, Reliance Financial Services  The Gambia, West Africa


Training course with PM4DEV were very helpful and interesting. Lecture was clear and given in simplified explanation. Tutor was an experienced and stimulates students. Discussion Forum help us you to fix your information and  increase your knowledge by  learning form other experience.

Mamoun  Othman, Uossm - International Union Of Medical Care And Relief Organizations  Turkey


The course was great, supporting me to formalize my empirical knowledge on Project Management. The participation on the forums is fundamental to exchange experience between participatants and to help you gain from other people's knowledge and experience!!! It is highly demanding, but it is worth teh effort!!!

Sonia  Maciel, Anadarko Mozambique Area 1  Mozambique


It is my personal opinion that the contents of this course, inclusive of all the materials provided was well designed to train Projects who are managing Developing Projects.

I absolutely impressed in the sequence and the relationship from one topic to another throughout the course.

I am honored to take part in this course and future courses as well.

A job well done by Mr. Siles and PM4DEV as a whole.

Omar  Narine, Central Housing And Planning Authority  Guyana, South America


This is my second course on PM4Dev and I find the course delivery to be very effective.  I actually learn, and I find myself being disciplined about the activities.  I hope to complete most if not all courses available.

Willie  Ngumi, Gsm Association  Kenya


Great class

Robert  Thompson,   Usa


Very useful Course for PM in Development Field

Aung  Kyaw Moe, Acf - International  Myanmar


This is a great overview of the Project Life Cycle: Design, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation.  The Exercises and Discussion Questions really get you to think about this process, and the Discussion Forum provides a rich depository of students' perspectives and insights.

Marie  Bakke,   Usa


The course invigorated my understand and set a challenge to go further and understand other concepts of monitoring and evaluation.Am very much equiped now to take the challenges which might come my way.

Samuel Mwandila  Samuel,   Zambia


The course is a great take for all development workers

Koissaba  Ben, Clemson University  Usa


This is actually my first online course to complete.

It was a course, I looked forward for the material to be open so that I can read and go to the discussion board.

The discussion board brough a huge wealth of knowledge, because it included many students who had extensive practical experience.

As per the course content, the videos are great initiators, for one to go in to the more important and more useful reference material which was provides along with each week course.

All in all I enjoyed the course. I hope it will include a practical interactive assignment for students to make it more attractive.

Ambasager  Mebrahtu, Tesenei India Pvt  Ltd.  Eritrea


This course was informative and practical in nature. The discussions gave an additional impetus to the course. I was able  to understand some real critical issues that I have not had the opportunity to learn on the job.

John  Morris, International Development Research & Consulting Group  United States


The main reference is excellent and the additional references provided were helpful in the learning process. Classmates shared their experiences thus enriching the learning. I like the forum exchanges and the case was a good and relevant choice. The time was short though for busy people like us in development. Perhaps extending it for another week would have given more time for doing the assignments. overall though, the course has been great!!

Nellie  Ballola, Far Southeast Gold Resources, Inc.  Philippines


The Course is real good,Proffesionsl and i suggest anyone who want to learn Project Design Monitoring and evaluation is your solution.Choose when you want to stard,anything in life start with a knowledge.

Zuhura  Omary, Ministry Of Health  Tanzania


The course was very enlightening and although I am new to project management, the videos, discussion forum and assignments were structured such that I understood them easily and I was kept on my toes.

Olufunke  Williams,   Nigeria


PM4DEV is doing a superb job in providing the opportunity for  development professionals to enhance their capacity.

Elias  Wolde, Farm Radio International  Ethiopia


Great course for people getting into Project Management for the first time. It gives a good broad overview of the project management in development.

Perisa  Raznatovic,   Spain


Excellent course

Fatima  Sirelkhatim, Business Growth Center  United Kingdom


A solid foundation course for beginners with a well structured learning plan and an informative instructor. The discussion forums were a goldmine of knowledge and helped me understand many more concepts and the intricacies of the NGO sector.

Dakhina  Mitra, Save The Children  Australia


The Course is very interesting and interactive

Margaret  Swai, Undp  Tanzania


The course is very interesting

Margaret  Swai, Undp  Tanzania


This was a great learning experience, taking into consideration that it was the first time I studied online. The online forums and the classroom sessions were very engaging.

Rita  Mchaki, Undp  Tanzania


As a Project Manager in the private sector and with no previous formal training in project management I found the course way beyond my expectations. I am very happy with the course content and with the new skills and tools that I will surely apply in my work assignments aiming to improve my performance and the quality of our work. Thank you

Dalila  Dias, Impacto, Lda  Mozambique


This course is very useful for whoever is interested in how to start manage new project.

Try it! and Take it!

Jongjin  Lim, Team And Team International  South Korea


very useful course

Ahmad  Chmeiseh, Oxfam Gb  Lebanon


Adaptive Project Management is a super course. The teaching style and assignments make it very practical!

Willie  Ngumi, Gsm Association  Kenya


Highly recommend this course!

Allen  Ingersoll,   The Gaza Strip


The course was very impactful. Time management was a key challenge before the course. Apart from leanrning the core and suporting process of a project, i have also gained insight with regards time management.

I will also encourage we build in more interractive materials into our learning activities. Weldone team!!!.

Ibrahm  Adeniran, Foodconcepts Plc  Nigeria



Josiah  Kimeli, Msf Belgium  Kenya


The course'  practicality is akeen  to the Havard  MBA Case studies

Samuel  Ajakaiye, Nigerian Communications Satellite Ltd  Nigeria


The course is helpful to learn minor details of the project management. The learning method help me to understand the adaptive project management approach in very comprehensive manner.

Preeti  Upadhyay,   India


Its a worthwhile experience. Has great assistance for the courser instructor and learning from the experiences shared by  my classmates. I will surely recommend this course to my colleagues in the office.

Benjamin  Aregbesola, Spdc Nigeria  Nigeria


This is the first course I took online in Project management, I felt as it was especially designed for my day to day activities I saw everyday's class discussion happening partly or wholly in my projects, I got excited from day to day because it was direct reflection of my duties and responsibilities as program coordinator

Thank you PM4dev team the effective project management course is quite applicable and so relevant!

Mohamad  Sheikomer, American Relief Agency For The Horn Of Africa  Usa


i find this course very important particularly so when my approaches upon completion of this course has now changed  as i have a better understanding from start date of a project till completion .

Edward  Nelson Pratt, Smart Mobile Sierra Leone  Sierra Leone



Contact information

  • 1201 Peachtree St, Suite 622
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30303
  • P.O. Box 27321
  • Washington DC. 20038 United States