Online Academy

All PM4DEV distance-learning courses are managed over the Internet using a dedicated online learning management system (LMS), which manages each participant’s learning schedule. Courses are delivered using videos and access to electronic PDF documents, which can be worked through on the computer screen, downloaded, studied offline, or printed. All courses are asynchronous. This feature gives students the freedom to access the course and its instructional materials at any time they choose from any location with an Internet connection. This accessibility allows for diverse student populations ranging from traditional, on-campus students to working professionals and international students in foreign countries.

All courses include access to online forums for networking and interacting with tutors. All forum discussions are retained for the duration of a course, allowing students to share knowledge and experience or discuss the course content with other students and course tutors across time zones.

Online Learning System
We use Moodle to manage all of our online courses. Moodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) that includes all of the features discussed above. The learning philosophy of Moodle includes a constructivist and social constructionist approach to education, emphasizing that learners (and not just teachers) can contribute to the educational experience. The process of learning also comes from student contributions to the course as they share their experiences and discuss their points of view guided by the instructor. Moodle is the world’s most widely used learning management system. It is used by organizations and universities across the globe.
Features of the online learning system
In the online courses, the instructor provides materials, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. Students are given a timeframe – usually a one-week window – during which they need to connect at least once or twice. But overall, students are free to contribute whenever they choose during the timeframe or duration of the course.

None of our online courses require students and instructors to be online at the same time, and no lectures, discussions, or presentations occur at a specific hour. This feature, also known as asynchronous learning, provides an easier way to learn. Many students need more time to form their thoughts or consider all the sides of an issue before offering an opinion.

  • Virtual Libraries: The online course will provide you with instructional materials. You may also be asked to download presentations, slides, and illustrative graphics. In addition, you may have instructional materials that consist of video snippets or short videos. In this case, you’ll often have the option to stream the content rather than having to download an enormous file.
  • E-Mail: email is used in all online courses. It's a great tool for asking questions, keeping in touch, and receiving materials, updates, reminders, and assessments. The instructor will use this tool to send daily reminders and updates to all students.
  • Discussion Forums: The discussion forum is a foundational item in the online learning structure. Students will participate in discussions facilitated by the instructor. A series of questions are posted in the forums. All students must respond and comment. It's a great way to answer questions and to share documents and links. It's also a good place to ask questions and to clear up ambiguities.
  • Course Exercises: Each week, you will work on an exercise, responding to a series of questions that ask you to analyze a situation and develop a solution. The exercise has a timeline for submission in order to receive a grade.
  • Quizzes and Tests: Each week you will need to complete a short quiz to help you measure your progress in the course. Most of the courses also include a final test.
  • Grade and Progress Reports: The system tracks your online activity, and you can monitor your course progress and see your grades at any time.
Click the link below to access our online learning system.

Contact information

  • 1201 Peachtree St, Suite 622
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30303
  • P.O. Box 27321
  • Washington DC. 20038 United States